Neem Oil, Nature’s Pesticide

Looking for a natural pesticide? Pest control is the biggest challenge when maintaining a garden. Thriving plants need pesticides and pest control methods to stay healthy. However, there are many commercial pesticides that have a tendency to fill their products with harmful chemicals. These chemicals are not only hard on your body, but your plants as well. But leaving nature to take its natural course isn’t always effective. The solution you might be looking for is neem oil.
What is it?
Derived from the seed of the tree known as Azadirachta Indica, neem oil is a natural pesticide that is used for many different purposes. Even outside the garden. It is a great fighter against eczema, skin moisturizer, and also good for washing away acne. However, for the effects outside of the garden, you want to use an actual product containing neem oil rather than the oil you spread on your garden. wee recommend Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil.
How It Works?
The oil is absorbed through the roots of the plant, and then it is spread throughout its vascular system. After that, it will travel to every inch of the plant. Insects will ingest it and die, making it an effective method.
Mites and other small insects that are harmful to the garden are guarded against thanks to neem oil. Plus, it also contains a natural fungicide. This will prevent root mildew and rot from destroying your plants. Generally, neem oil is not harmful to bees as it does not last very long when you directly apply it to your garden.
How Do I Apply It?
You are able to apply neem oil at the base of your plants, or you can spray it directly on your plants. However, neem oil is effective the most when it is absorbed through the soil. The time duration of the neem oil varies on its application. When applied to the base of the plant, you get up to 22 days. However, when you spray it on the plant, you are only looking at 45 minutes. Also, neem oil in great quantities is harmful to the plants.
Testing your neem oil prior to using it at the recommended dose is suggested. Just pick a small spot of plant, and apply a little oil. The next step of testing is to let it sit for about a day and observe any effects it had. Not all plants can handle neem oil. So, don’t kill your garden while trying to keep it safe.
What Kind of Neem Oil Should I Use?
For a natural pesticide with neem oil, make sure there are no extra ingredients. The only ingredient that should be listed on the label is Azadirachta. There are companies out there that mix their neem oil with harmful chemicals, so be vigilant.
Plantonix Organic Neem Oil is 100% neem oil cold-pressed. It is possible to mix this concentrate with water, making you able to apply it either to the base or directly onto the plant. While neem oil is sold as a natural pesticide, it is multi-purposed. You are able to add a bit of the pure concentrate to your shampoo or lotion for positive benefits.
With no extra ingredients, Plantonix Organic Neem Oil is also made from cold-pressed neem oil. It can also be used with shampoos and lotions. It is safe for your pets even.
You put a lot of work into your garden, and you don’t want it destroyed by mites and other insects. Neem oil is the ideal method for natural pesticides, and its multi-purposed properties make it a great oil to keep around the house. Alternatively, you might like to consider some other natural pest control methods.
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