How To Grow Spinach At Home

Spinach, like broccoli is a cool weather crop. Spinach are a great vegetable to grow at home as the leaves are perfect for salads and can be added to all sorts of other meals. Rich in vitamins and minerals and with a crisp fresh taste, read on to discover how best to incorporate spinach into your garden vegetable patch.
Where Does Spinach Grow Best?
Spinach is a cool weather crop. So, in cooler climates you can plant it in full sun. However, in warmer climates it might be worth planting your spinach in partial shade so the plant is shielded from the hottest parts of the day.
Your soil should be slightly acidic to neutral (a pH of between 6.5 and 7). Spinach likes moist soil which is rich in nitrogen.
When Should Spinach Be Planted?
In warmer climates, assuming you can protect your spinach from the harsh summer sun, plant in early Spring. To help extend your harvest window, keep sowing your new spinach crops every 3-4 weeks through the planting season.
In cooler climates where the soil does not freeze, spinach will thrive when planted in Fall.
How To Plant Your Spinach
You should aim to plant your seeds up to 6 six weeks before the last frost. You can keep planting every week or so until May. Try and plant the seeds about 1 1/2 inches below the surface and 2 inches apart.
Once your spinach plants have a few leaves, should thin them out so they are spaced about 6 inches apart.
Water regularly but don’t go overboard. Spinach does not grow in swamps. Use a mulch or compost to help retain moisture in the soil and the control weeds.
Growing Spinach in a Pot
Follow these simple tips to grow your spinach in a container or pot:
- Make sure you use a pot which is at least a foot wide. Choose a pot with good depth because spinach have a long-taproot. Use a quality organic soil and potting mix.
- Sow the seeds about an inch and a half under the surface and water well.
- Water your seeds regularly.
- Once your seedlings emerge, thin them out (so your plants are about 6 inches apart).
- When harvesting try pulling leaves (or snipping them) at soil level. This will encourage your plant to develop more leaf growth.
Spinach needs to be watered regularly. At least once per day and twice per day through summer.
Harvesting Your Spinach
Spinach is normally ready to harvest 6 to 8 weeks after planting. Spinach can stored in the refrigerator for about a week after harvesting.
Now that you know how to grow spinach at home, the only thing left to do is to get out into the garden. Good luck!
You know what goes great with spinach? Tomatoes! Click here to read our article about growing tomatoes at home.
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