Growing Lemons At Home

When life gives you lemons…it means you have successfully grown a lemon tree at home and the good news is, growing lemons at home is actually quite simple. As long you get the basics right and are prepared to be patient, you’ll have all the lemons you’ll ever need.
Lemon trees can be grown in a traditional garden, in a container garden and even indoors (although they will need some time outside if you want your lemon tree to produce fruit).
Where to Lemon Trees Grow Best?
Lemon trees like full sun. The soil pH of between 5.5 and 6.5 (slightly acidic).
Make sure you use a good fertiliser to ensure your lemon trees and like most fruits and vegetables the soil needs to be moist and with good drainage. Lemon trees are bit sensitive to cold than other citrus trees, and thrive in mild conditions (day time temperatures around 70 F) and where night-time don’t drop below about 55F (any cooler and the trees will go dormant).
When Should Lemon Trees be Planted?
Lemon trees can be grown from saplings, cuttings and seeds. The easiest way to start a lemon tree is to purchase a small one from your local nursery. Lemon trees are best planted in late winter to early Spring.
How Should Lemon Trees be Planted
Growing Lemons In A Traditional Garden
When planting a lemon tree in the soil dig a hole slightly shallower than the root ball so the plant is set higher than ground level. It’s a good idea to use an organic mulch to help retain moisture in the soil.
Growing Lemons in A Container Garden
When selecting a container make sure you choose one which will provide room for the tree to grow and adequate drainage.
Growing Lemons In An Indoor Garden
Lemon trees grow best in full sun, so it is a good idea to place your tree on a balcony or other outdoor area during warmer months. This will also help your lemon tree to fruit (because it will allow them to be pollinated).
Whether you grow your lemon tree outside or indoors, make sure you give them a good watering once per week.
Properly cared for lemon trees should start producing fruit after about 2 to 3 years. However, trees grown from seed can take up to 6 years before they start producing fruit. Fruit is usually produced in late Winter and early Spring.
There you have it, full sun, slightly acidic soil with good drainage, a good watering once a week and patience is all you need to start growing lemons at home.
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